2016 LAB Groups

Naretoi Enkishumu Women's Group

The second group from Lenkisem, these 17 members are following in the footsteps of the successful Enkishaiki Lenkisem Women’s Group. Their strong leadership and cooperation as a group give good indication of success to come, as well as a few members who are also in Enkishaiki Group, who didn’t want to miss the chance to reinforce important lessons!

Olningo Namelok Self Help Group

Made up of 6 wives / husband couples who aim to uplift their standards of living through more “olningo” or “understanding” of better livestock keeping practices for themselves and their families, they come from Namelok. They bring diversity to the LAB groups because of their experience in mixed farming since Namelok is an area where water is close to the surface and can be used for irrigation of tomatoes, legumes and vegetables.

Enkaramatak Oonkishu Erisa women’s Group

This women’s group consists of 17 highly motivated livestock keepers from Risa who joined LAB after seeing improved income from livestock of their predecessors, members of Risa Mixed Group. Risa is an open, tough and chronically drought affected area. When there is grass, however, livestock fatten very quickly, which is why they stay there.

Kidumunye Women's Group