borehole cost blog
The hydrogeological team evaluates a possible location for a borehole in Lositeti.

How Much Does a Borehole Cost in Kenya?

We get asked a lot: "How much does a borehole cost in Kenya? I've heard drilling is only $10,000." It's a common misconception, and one we hope to answer in this blog post. By the end, you'll understand the true cost of a water project in Kenya, the steps we…

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Rotary District 7630
WILK Outreach & Operations Manager and Newark Rotary Club Member, Jerry Bilton, during their visit to the Dover Colonial Rotary Club on Friday, July 21st. Dover Colonial are one of eight club partners through WILK's most recent project with Rotary District 7630.

Partner Spotlight: Rotary District 7630

We're well underway with the community borehole project in Lositeti, and experience tells us that we can expect to see great things from a community that will finally have a reliable, clean water source. But establishing a deep well takes a committed "village" in Kenya—and a strong community of support…