livestock as a business mou signing
WILK co-founder Joseph Larasha going over MOU paperwork with participants in our all-women LAB group.

Program Update: Livestock as a Business

Cows are essential to Maasai culture, economy, and status. This is why Water is Life Kenya's (WILK) Livestock as a Business (LAB) program combines traditional livestock-raising techniques with modern business skills training to help Maasai herders get a better yield on their cattle. Let's take a look at what our…

st. philip's Inkisanjani
WILK Co-Founder Joyce Tannian speaking from Kenya to St. Philip's Lutheran Church about building a well in Inkisanjani.

Partner Spotlight: St. Philip’s Lutheran Church

Our newest partnership is bringing water to the Inkisanjani community later this year! Let's learn more about St. Philip's Lutheran Church, the Inkisanjani water project, and the progress that's already been made. A view from Inkisanjani in Kajiado County, Kenya. Where it All Began Our relationship with St. Philip's Lutheran Church is…

planning for pasture
WILK Co-Founder Joseph Larasha speaking to the Loolakir community about grass management.

Planning for Pasture: Program Update

Planning for Pasture is already off to a strong start. Our ambitious goal is to support grazing management efforts around Amboseli National Park. We're doing this by working with local Grazing Management Committees (GMCs) to conserve grasslands at a scale that will benefit individual farmers. Now that we've trained community…

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Magis for Maji
Students at St. Joe's University, many from the Beautiful Social program, with our Outreach and Operations Manager Aaron at our Magis for Maji Walk on World Water Day.

Magis for Maji: SJU Students Supporting Kenyans

We're highlighting St. Joseph's University to show how students are helping our Maasai friends live better lives.

Water is Life Kenya livestock farmer group
A women livestock farmer groups meets after a training session in fall 2023.

The Year Ahead: WILK’s Goals for 2024

In 2024, we aim to build up resilience and the adaptive capacity that's part of our human nature. Let's look at what we have planned to help our Maasai friends in Kenya this year.

borehole cost blog
The hydrogeological team evaluates a possible location for a borehole in Lositeti.

How Much Does a Borehole Cost in Kenya?

Drilling a borehole that will help a community long-term is not simple. Let’s talk about the methods, timeframe, and costs of building durable boreholes.