​Enkorbobit Community Shallow Well Project


Enkorbobit is a village located further outside the Amboseli National Park, and thus it lacks the access some communities have to the park’s resources. One of these resources is water, and the six miles that separate their homes from the park made getting water an all-day affair. The people knew they needed clean water, but they did not want to abandon their homes to get it.


Through assistance from a generous Swedish Rotary Club, Water is Life Kenya dug them a shallow well. This provides clean water year-round, and locals can remain in their homes.


Complete, but temporarily closed due to community conflict


After its completion, people migrated to the village. The locals were pleased to share the gift they had been given with those in need. Our last monitoring visit showed that the hand pump is great and water is plenty – people affirmed that there is no way they can leave that area because of the water. They just have to figure out how to handle people coming from Tanzania with animals that eat all the grass.

Solomon from Enkorbobit says, “Since we got the shallow well, our baby animals can survive much longer than they used to. Now, we hardly lose any.”

Photos from Enkorbobit