Enkong’u Narok Community Borehole Project


The village of Enkong’u Narok is a village outside Amboseli National Park with 1,000 inhabitants. Translated, Enkong’u Narok means “black spring”, and it has earned this name because of the water source nearby that produces dark, murky water. Villagers used this water as their primary source and often complained about malaria and other water-borne illnesses.

Nearby are both a school, Enkong’u Narok Primary School, and health clinic, and all used the same dirty water. Water is Life Kenya has been closely connected to Enkong’u Narok village since we began work and used the neighboring Group Ranch headquarters meeting room for Livestock as a Business trainings. Enkong’u Narok folks would see WILK trainings underway and took the opportunity to approach us to present their problem, knowing we’re “The Water People”. We agreed to assess the problem.  During interviews, many people told of a child or adult in their family lost to malaria contracted around the swampy water source, and it was also imperative that a medical clinic, of all places, needed a reliable source of clean water!


WILK did some preliminary research, and found that the water table is relatively close to the surface. After discussions with the community, it was decided that we would drill a borehole well to reach the clean groundwater beneath.
In May of 2014, drilling began. Soon the first drops of water appeared and then, a flood! The drill hadn’t even gone fifty feet and water gushed. Before long, the water pressure was so great it prevented the drill from going any further.

After hitting a source that can provide over 10,000 gallons an hour, a pump house was constructed, generator and submersible pump installed. 3 Water storage tanks (2 for community and 1 for Enkong’u Narok Primary School) were installed on elevated platforms to keep them out of reach of local elephants, pipelines to the village and schools were installed and a community water point constructed.


Complete & Functioning


For WILK it was the most productive borehole we have ever drilled. For the community, joy and relief welled up!  Finally…an end to water problems and constant sickness. Villagers and their children have experienced a huge improvement in their own health. Livestock, who were used to drinking the parasite infested waters of the swamp are now free of liver flukes, with marked improvement in body condition.

Photos from Enkong'u Narok