Donate Now to Bring Food to Drought-Stricken Families in Southern Kenya

Funds will bring food to 1,000 of the neediest families in Kajiado County

Donate Now to Bring Food to Drought-Stricken Families in Southern Kenya image


raised towards $15,000 goal




Days Left

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Funds will bring food to 1,000 of the neediest families in Kajiado County

We are raising money to buy & distribute food to the most needy families in Southern Kenya

About the Drought:

East Africa is in the midst of the worst drought in 40 years. The families we serve throughout our work region of Kajiado County, Kenya are suffering.

Rain is supposed to come twice a year in this region: from March through May, and again from October through December. The past four rainy seasons (dating back to October 2020) have failed. No rain means no grass, and no grass means livestock die. With them goes the incomes and livelihoods for many of the pastoralists of this region.

Here's the reality of what our families are facing during this drought:

  • There is no more grass. Men have left their homes, traveling hundreds of miles away in search of pastures.
  • Livestock are dying. The ones still alive are so skinny they are unsellable at the market.
  • Crops have failed. There hasn't been a substantial harvest since 2020.
  • Food staples have doubled in price. Failed harvests caused higher prices of maize, beans, wheat, etc.
  • Everything is more expensive. From food to fuel, global inflation, the war in Ukraine has caused prices to rise.
  • Incomes have plummeted. Families have to dip into savings to buy food for cows and people.
  • There have been 4 school terms instead of 3 this year. This has put extraordinary burden on families.
  • There isn't enough money to pay school fees. So kids can't enroll in school and are sent home.
  • There was just a Presidential Election. Most normal government services have been stopped as regimes change.
  • Children are collapsing due to lack of food. Growing children suffer greatly when there is no money for food.
  • Most people go to bed hungry. Every night. With no end in sight.

What We Have Already Accomplished:

Through all the generous supporters of our Food & School Campaign, we were able to raise $7,500. These funds went towards: (1) providing children at two schools lunch for a month, (2) supplying 150 families food for two weeks, and (3) supplying our boreholes with fuel.

While we extend our gratitude, we recognize that the need for food relief is still ever present in Southern Kenya. With proof of what our donors have been able to do, we approach you again with our plan for further drought relief.

Where Your Donations Go:

Working alongside the Kajiado County's local government, we have identified the 5 areas of greatest need in our work region. Your donations will go towards buying and distributing food to 1,000 families (approximately 8,000 individuals) in immediate need. We will purchase: maize, beans, and cooking fat. While this is not nutritionally ideal, something is better than nothing in desperate situations.

A Plan for the Future:

Water is Life Kenya does not typically deal with matters of disaster relief; however, the current need is great, and our logistical network is a valuable asset. We cannot continue to invest in the future without ensure that our people are taken care of in the present.

With hopes for a successful rainy season, we are planning on how to respond after the drought so as to further boost resilience in our communities as they recover from this current drought.

Learn More below by watching our Co-Founder, Joseph Larasha, share his experience during this current drought.